Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dr. Heidegger's Lab Report

Dr. Heidegger’s Lab Report  


1. Hypothesis: If . . ., then . . ..
Write Dr. Heidegger's hypothesis in this format. What idea was he testing? What did he expect to see?

2. Rationale
This is the logic behind the hypothesis. Refer to #1 above and explain WHY he expected to see certain results.

3. Procedure
How did Dr. Heidegger perform his experiment? You may write the instructions in list or paragraph form, or you may write a list with explanatory notes. Part of your goal here is for someone else to be able to perform the same experiment.

4. Data/Observations
This should be strictly limited to the actual collection of data. Do not try to explain what Dr. Heidegger observed or recorded. What “data” can you infer from reading the story?

5. Analysis
How might Dr. Heidegger have explained what happened to his friends during this experiment?

6. Conclusion
The conclusion must contain a reference to the hypothesis. Would Dr. Heidegger conclude that his hypothesis was correct? Why or why not? What has Dr. Heidegger learned from this experiment?

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